When knitting curved edges or on a diagonal, create a picked up band that results in an attractive continuous curve or edge. Most curved edges are made by a series of stepped bind-offs followed by decreases that give a far-from-smooth curved line. Picking up stitches avoids this unattractive edge, and is a knitter’s way to avoid sewing on extra edgings.
When you pick up stitches along a curved edge, avoid working in the very edge stitch. Instead, work into a stitch or between stitches at least 1 full stitch in from the edge. Your aim is to make a nice-looking line for your border to begin on, not to see how close you can work to the uneven edge of your knitting.
Consider these tips for picking up stitches along a curve:
Pick up stitches on the bound-off edge of the back neck and the center front bound-off section.
Along the side neck edges, pick up between running threads and then in the center of stitches as you follow the line of stitches marking the curve of the neck.
When you have to pick stitches up along a sweater's neck edge for a collar that isn’t rib, pick up with WS facing. That way, when the collar is turned, the fabric faces the right way.
Here, the darkened stitches show you where to insert your needle to pick up stitches along a curve.