You probably want to jump right in with juicing — after all, you’re charged up about doing something positive for your health! But rein in your enthusiasm (not for long, just at the beginning) and let your taste buds, digestive system, liver, kidneys, colon, and the rest of your body acclimate to this new and exciting diet.
Here are some tips for tiptoeing into the juice fever:
Don’t underestimate the power of the live enzymes, phytonutrients, and other healthy components in fresh fruit and vegetables. They pack a punch! Start out with a half-glass (4 ounces) for the first few days, or dilute 4 ounces with water.
Start with fruit if you don’t like the taste of vegetables, and gradually add vegetables while decreasing the fruit. The ultimate goal is to be juicing more vegetables than fruit in a ratio of about two to one, but this may take a year for you to achieve. Don’t rush — enjoy the journey!
Start with mild vegetables. Carrot, cucumber, and celery are easy to take at first. You can gradually add stronger-tasting vegetables like spinach, turnip, beets, cabbage, and onions, but try them one at a time.
Listen to your body. It will tell you if you need to slow down or if it can handle the amount of fresh, raw juice you’re giving it. Even a small amount of raw beet juice, for example, may cause you to experience cramps, gas, and diarrhea. This doesn’t mean that you’ll never be able to drink beet juice; it just means that your body needs time to get used to it.
Don’t indulge in too much of a good thing. Straight green juice, for example, may burn your throat if you take it without mixing a small amount in other juices or diluting it with water. Always introduce new ingredients one at a time and in small amounts. See how your body reacts before you gradually increase the amount.
Stay with it! In time, your sense of taste will change and your body will enjoy the benefits that a fresh fruit and vegetable regimen brings.