
Lime-Ginger Marmalade

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2016-03-26 22:51:18
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This combination of lime and ginger is very Hawaiian. Although you may think pairing lime and ginger in a marmalade sounds odd, give this marmalade recipe a try — it might just become one of your favorites!

Preparation time: 20 minutes

Cooking time: 1 hour

Processing time: 10 minutes

Yield: 4 half-pints

3 to 4 limes

2 to 4 lemons

1 5- to 6-inch piece of fresh ginger

5 cups water

4 1/4 cups granulated sugar

  1. Cut the limes in half lengthwise and then slice them crosswise (about 1/8-inch thick).

    You want to end up with about 1 1/2 cups of fruit.

  2. Zest the lemons.

  3. Finely shred the ginger.

  4. Place the lime slices, 1/2 cup lemon zest, 1/4 cup ginger, and water in a 5- to 6-quart pot.

  5. Bring the mixture to a boil over medium-high heat and boil rapidly until the fruit is tender, about 30 minutes.

  6. Remove the pot from the heat.

  7. Prepare your canning jars and two-piece caps (lids and screw bands) according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

    Keep the jars and lids hot.

  8. Measure the hot lime-ginger mixture in a heatproof measuring cup.

  9. Return the mixture to the pot.

  10. For each cup of fruit, add 1 cup of sugar to the hot mixture.

  11. Return the pot to the stove and bring the mixture to a boil over high heat, stirring often to dissolve the sugar.

  12. Cook the marmalade about 30 minutes.

    You know it’s done when it slides off a spoon in a uniform sheet or when a candy thermometer registers 220 degrees F.

  13. Remove the pan from the heat and cool the mixture for 5 minutes.

  14. Remove any foam from the surface with a foam skimmer.

  15. Ladle your hot marmalade into the prepared jars, leaving headspace of 1/4 inch.

  16. Wipe the jar rims.

  17. Seal the jars with the two-piece caps, hand-tightening the bands.

  18. Process the filled jars in a water bath for 10 minutes from the point of boiling.

  19. Remove the jars from the boiling water with a jar lifter.

  20. Place them on a clean kitchen towel or paper towels away from drafts.

  21. After the jars cool completely, test the seals.

    If you find jars that haven’t sealed, refrigerate them and use them within two months.

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