
Getting Screened for Prediabetes

2016-03-26 21:52:12
From The Book:  
Type 1 Diabetes For Dummies
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The American Diabetes Association recommends that physicians screen their patients for prediabetes starting at age 45. As long as a screening is normal, you should repeat it at three-year intervals. Screening is especially important for people who answer yes to these questions:

  • Do you have a relative with type 2 diabetes or heart disease?

  • Are you overweight or obese?

  • Do you have high blood pressure?

  • Do you have a sedentary lifestyle?

  • Do you have high levels of triglycerides and/or low levels of HDL cholesterol, both being types of fats measured in a blood test?

  • Do you belong to a higher-risk ethnic group such as African American, Latino, Asian American, or Pacific Islander?

  • Do you have “apple-shaped” rather than “pear-shaped” weight distribution? This means your excess weight is around your stomach rather than your hips.

  • For women who have had children, did you develop diabetes during the pregnancy or have a baby who weighed more than 9 pounds at birth?

  • For women, is there a history of polycystic ovarian syndrome, a condition that may include lack of periods, infertility, and increased hair on the body?

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This article is from the book: 

About the book author:

Alan L. Rubin, MD has been a physician in private practice for more than 30 years. He is the author of several bestselling health titles, including Diabetes For Dummies, High Blood Pressure For Dummies, and Thyroid For Dummies.