One of the best ways to manage diabetes is by being conscious of your diet — which is a lot easier to do if you’re eating your own food at home. Here are some handy tips for keeping your healthy diet on track and in line with the Canadian recommendations when eating and preparing meals at home.
Eat breakfast every day.
Limit your use of margarine or butter.
Use light mayonnaise instead of margarine or butter on your bread. Just one teaspoon of margarine or butter has 35 calories and a teaspoon of light mayonnaise has 15 calories.
If you’re going to be adding peanut butter to your toast, don’t also use margarine or butter. Stick to the peanut butter alone.
Use salsa or light sour cream on top of a baked potato instead of butter or margarine.
Bake, broil, roast, microwave, or stir fry more often; avoid deep frying.
Remember that with easier access to food in the home (compared to a restaurant), you need to keep an eye on how much food you’re eating.