
Managing Type 2 Diabetes: What to Bring with You to Your Healthcare Provider

2018-03-15 18:15:05
Type 1 Diabetes For Dummies
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When you make your appointment, ask your diabetes care provider, nurse, or the office receptionist what to bring with you. Every office and provider is a little bit different, so it never hurts to ask.

Typically, you’ll bring along your blood glucose meter or logbook so you and your provider can discuss how your numbers look. Your provider may like to see these numbers as a printout, or she may have the software to download the numbers from your meter to a spreadsheet in her office.

You may find it easiest to put all your medications into a plastic bag and bring them with you to your office visit. That way, you won’t forget any medications or their doses. You can also use your smartphone to take a photo of all your medications to show your physician. Ideally, your physician should have all your medications recorded in your chart, but she may not if other specialists write prescriptions for you. Bring the physical bottles or take a photo so everything can be recorded and up to date during your exam.

Don’t forget to bring a list of your questions or concerns to your checkup. It can be easy to forget issues if you only see your provider twice a year. Keep a notebook in your kitchen, bedroom, or living room so you can write down questions as they pop into your head. Bring a pen so you can jot down answers or tips for finding out more information online or in books.

Here’s a handy checklist of items to take to your doctor appointment so you don’t forget anything:

  • Blood glucose meter or logbook
  • A list of your medications
  • List of questions and concerns and a pen to take notes

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This article is from the book: 

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The American Diabetes Association leads the fight against the deadly consequences of diabetes and advocates for those affected by the disease. They fund research to prevent, cure, and manage diabetes; deliver services to hundreds of communities; and provide objective and credible information.