
How to Chat at a Sushi Bar

2016-03-26 21:59:13
From The Book:  
Sushi For Dummies
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If a Japanese-speaking sushi chef is behind the sushi counter, these ten brief Japanese expressions will come in handy and make you a very welcome guest. Stress each syllable equally and you’ll be set.

  • Hai (hah-ee): Yes.

  • Iie (eee-eh): No.

  • Konnichiwa (kohn-nee-chee-wah): Hello (in the afternoon).

  • Kombanwa (kohm-bahn-wah): Hello (in the evening).

  • Omakase ni shite kudasai (oh-mah-kah-seh nee shee-teh koo-dah-sah-ee): Please, you (the sushi chef) choose.

  • Kyo wa nani ga ii desuka (kyohh wah nah-nee gah eee deh-soo-kah)?: What’s good today?

  • (Maguro) o kudasai (mah-goo-roh oh koo-dah-sah-ee): I’d like to have tuna, please. (Substitute other choices for maguro, the word for tuna.)

  • Oishii! (oh-ee-sheee): Delicious!

  • Kampai! (kahm-pah-ee): Cheers! (Said as a toast.)

  • Domo (dohh-moh): Thank you.

About This Article

This article is from the book: 

About the book author:

Judi Strada has a bachelor’s degree in Russian studies, which led her to study other cultures through their foods. She was the food consultant and spokesperson for The Sheraton World Cookbook and The Culinary Festival Cookbook and coauthor of The Best of San Diego. She is a frequent cooking guest on television and radio shows on both coas ts. Judi, an award-winning writer, is currently food editor of San Diego Magazine; kitchen garden editor of Garden Compass Magazine; and a member of the Authors Guild, the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists, the International Association of Culinary Professionals, and the James Beard Foundation. She is founding president of Les Dames d’Escoffier, San Diego.

Mineko Takane Moreno, born and raised in Tokyo, received her degree in French literature. Her love of food has inspired a lifelong education in many cuisines, including Japanese, Chinese, French, and Italian. Moving to San Diego in 1973, she began teaching Japanese cuisine, with a specialty in sushi. She currently teaches dozens of sushi classes a year at seven culinary schools, including Macy’s, Williams-Sonoma, and Sur la Table. Mineko consults with restaurants wishing to put sushi and other specialties on their menu. Her culinary work has been featured in numerous print publications and on television and radio shows. She is a member of the International Association of Culinary Professionals.