Not only are orchids beautiful, some have an amazing fragrance. Here's a list of some of the most sweet-smelling orchids and a brief description of their fragrance:
Angranthes grandiflora: Just about all the angraecums and their hybrids, like this one, have a sweet jasmine fragrance.
Brassavola nodosa: Its common name, Lady of the Night, gives you a hint of its sensuous freesia or lily-of-the-valley night fragrance. Also, be on the lookout for hybrids that contain this species as a parent. They're frequently sweet-scented.
Cattleya walkeriana and hybrids: This is a diminutive beauty that has a relaxing cinnamon and vanilla fragrance. It frequently passes this quality to its offspring, so be on the lookout for hybrids that use this as a parent.
Maxillaria tenuifolia: Who can pass up this orchid that smells like roast coconut?
Miltoniopsis santanaei: A delightful small-growing orchid that has the scent of roses. Many of the miltoniopsis hybrids also have this quality.
Neofinetia falcata: Long admired and revered by Asians for its alluring jasmine fragrance, it is just now receiving the attention it deserves in the West.
Oncidium Sharry Baby: The mouthwatering scent of vanilla and chocolate without the calories, makes this easy-to-grow orchid top the popularity charts.
Phalaenopsis violacea or Phalaenopsis bellina: Both of these species of phalaenopis are wonderfully fragranced. Phalaenopsis violacea has a spicy, cinnamon fragrance, while Phalaenopsis bellina has a headier freesia-with-a-touch-of-lemon scent.
Rhynchostylis gigantea: Wow! The citrus fragrance from this one can permeate an entire house.
Zygopetalums: A bed of hyacinths is what these gaily colored flowers of this underappreciated orchid smells like.