The names used for orchids are usually in Latin, since it's universally accepted. Don't be intimidated by orchid names! Here's a quick pronunciation guide, with abbreviations:
Genus | Abbreviation | Pronunciation |
Aeranthes | Aerth. | Ay-er-an-thees |
Angranthes | Angth. | An-gran-theez |
Brassavola | B. | Bra-sah-vol-lah |
Brassia | Brs. | Brass-ee-ah |
Brassocattleya | Bc. | Brass-oh-kat-lee-ya |
Brassolaelia | Bl. | Brass-oh-lay-lee-yah |
Brassolaeliocattleya | Blc. | Brass-oh-lay-lee-oh-kat-lee-yah |
Bulbophyllum | Bulb. | Bulb-oh-fill-um |
Catasetum | Ctsm. | Kat-a-see-tum |
Cattleya | C. | Kat-lee-ya |
Cochleanthes | Cnths. | Kok-lee-an-theez |
Coelogyne | Coel. | See-loj-in-ee |
Coryanthes | Crths. | Kory-an-theez |
Cymbidium | Cym. | Sim-bid-ee-um |
Dendrobium | Den. | Den-droh-bee-um |
Encyclia | Encycl. | En-sik-klee-ah |
Epidendrum | Epi. | Eh-pi-den-drum |
Epilaelia | Epl. | Eh-pi-lay-lee-ah |
Laelia | L. | Lay-lee-ah |
Laeliocattleya | Lc. | Lay-lee-oh-kat-lee-ya |
Lycaste | Lyc. | Lye-kass-tee |
Miltonia | Milt. | Mil-tone-ee-ah |
Miltonidium | Mtdm. | Mil-tone-id-ee-um |
Miltoniopsis | Mltnps. | Mil-tone-ee-op-sis |
Odontobrassia | Odbrs. | Oh-don-toh-brass-ee-ah |
Odontocidium | Odcdm. | Oh-don-toh-sid-ee-um |
Oncidiuim | Onc. | On-sid-ee-um |
Paphiopedilum | Paph. | Paff-ee-oh-ped-di-lum |
Phalaenopsis | Phal. | Fal-en-op-sis |
Phragmipedium | Phrag. | Frag-muh-pee-dee-um |