
10 Ways Compost Benefits Your Soil and Garden

2016-03-26 14:47:07
Raising Chickens For Dummies
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Your compost is a custom mixture, an interesting byproduct of your life. All the ingredients thoroughly combined become organic, rich humus with incredible benefits to your soil, garden, plants, trees, and yard. The following list gives you ten ways composting is beneficial:

  • Compost improves the soil structure by causing mineral particles in your soil to naturally clump together.

  • Compost improves soil’s ability to hold moisture, which means less watering.

  • Compost improves soil aeration and the ability to carry oxygen to your plant’s roots.

  • Compost acts as an anchor to hold in soil nutrients, not allowing them to wash away with ground water.

  • Compost increases the number of beneficial microorganisms and worms in your soil.

  • Compost has the ability to neutralize acidic soils and acidifies alkaline soils.

  • Compost has the ability to consume harmful fungi spores if present.

  • Compost introduces back trace elements often hard to add, and in the right amounts for your soil.

  • Compost kills harmful pathogens and some fungal spores in your soil, which keeps your plants and garden healthy.

  • Compost creates a healthy environment for healthy plants to thrive and inhibits weed growth.

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About the book author:

Bonnie Jo Manion has been featured in national garden magazines with her gardens, organic practices, chickens, and designs. Follow Bonnie at VintageGardenGal.com.

Rob Ludlow is the coauthor of Raising Chickens For Dummies and Building Chicken Coops For Dummies. He runs the leading chicken information resource on the web, www.BackYardChickens.com.