Goats need mineral supplements to stay healthy. Here's an easy way to build a mineral block feeder yourself. This is a really simple idea for a wooden mineral block holder that keeps the mineral block off the ground and also covers the top of it, so when those kids start jumping they just land on wood. You can buy the wood for this, or make it from pieces you have lying around. The inside dimensions (10 1/2 inches) are important because that's the minimum required to hold a standard-size mineral block. (You can make it larger, if you want.) You need a solid post or wall to attach it to.

To make the mineral block holder, you need the following equipment and materials:
Hand saw or circular saw
Yardstick or other measure
Carpenters' square
One eight-foot long untreated 2 x 6 board
One sheet of 3/4-inch untreated plywood
56 3-inch deck screws
12 1 1/2-inch flat-head screws
To make your own mineral block holder, follow these steps:
Measure your 2 x 6 and mark with pencil at 12-inch intervals.
Use the carpenters' square to make sure the ends are even. (Note: You can make the top section from a 2 x 4, but you need to use a 2 x 6 for the bottom so the mineral block can rest on it.)
With your saw, cut eight 12-inch pieces from your 2 x 6 for the sides.
Measure your plywood.
Mark two 13 1/2-inch by 13 1/2-inch pieces for the top and bottom
Mark two 6 1/2-inch by 16-inch pieces for the top and bottom braces, which will be cut at a 45-degree angle
Cut all the pieces of plywood.
Using eight screws (two for each corner), screw together four of the 12-inch 2 x 6 pieces to make a 13 1/2-inch square.
To make the box square, make sure each piece of wood is attached on the inside on one end and the outside on the other.
Attach the first piece of plywood to the top of the square with 12 screws.
Assemble the bottom section by repeating Steps 5 and 6.
Using a level to ensure that it is even, attach the top and bottom sections to the post or wall with eight screws each so the bottom of the top and the top of the bottom are 16 inches apart.
Attach the bottom piece 14 inches from the ground or higher. The plywood should be on top for the top piece and on the bottom for the bottom piece. Don't situate it too high or too low for your goats to comfortably eat the mineral.
Place the top brace with one against the center of the plywood "top" and the other against the post at a 45-degree angle and attach with three screws on each end.
Place the bottom brace with one end against the plywood "bottom" and one end against the post at a 45-degree angle and attach with three screws on each end.
To make a better fit, you can cut the end.