If your home improvement plan involves a new ceramic tile floor, how do you determine the amount of ceramic tiles you need? Simply calculate the area you plan to cover and divide that number by the size of one ceramic tile.
Total Area (Floor, Wall, Countertop):
Length (ft.) × Width (ft.) = Total Area (sq. ft.)
Tile to Order:
For 4" Tiles: Total Area ÷ 0.1089 = Number of 4" Tiles Needed
For 6" Tiles: Total Area ÷ 0.25 = Number of 6" Tiles Needed
For 9" Tiles: Total Area ÷ 0.5625 = Number of 9" Tiles Needed
For 12" Tiles: Total Area = Number of 12" Tiles Needed
For 18" Tiles: Total Area ÷ 2.25 = Number of 18" Tiles Needed