
Schedule of Routine Care to Ensure a Bird's Good Health

2016-03-26 14:05:22
From The Book:  
Finches For Dummies
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Putting yourself on a schedule is a great way to make sure your bird's basic needs are covered. While your avian veterinarian may have specific recommendations for your bird, here's a general outline of a good routine:

  • Daily (or even more frequently): Clean food and water dishes and refill them; change cage papers. Most important: Provide attention and interaction, keeping an eye out for changes in behavior, routine, or appearance.

  • Weekly: Scrub cage where feces have accumulated. Rotate toys for variety, if your bird is comfortable with changes.

  • Monthly: Blunt toenails; check wings for new feathers that need to be trimmed. Check toys; replace any worn ones. Get a feel for body mass — has your bird gained or lost weight or muscle tone? Scrub and disinfect entire cage.

  • Annually: Schedule a "well-bird" exam by an avian veterinarian, possibly including some baseline laboratory tests.

About This Article

This article is from the book: 

About the book author:

Gina Spadafori is an award-winning veterinary medical writer. She is the coauthor of Cats For Dummies and Birds For Dummies.

Brian L. Speer, DVM, is the owner and director of the Medical Center for Birds in Oakley, California, and an active member in and former president of the Association of Avian Veterinarians.