
How to Avoid Things That Will Hurt Your Kitten

2016-04-26 17:33:28
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Kittens For Dummies
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As much as your kitten has his own personality, he is not a person, and things that you use or eat every day can be very bad news for your kitten should he swallow them. This table lists foods, medicines, and other items to keep out of kitten’s reach.
Foods Human Medicines Miscellaneous
Dog food Tylenol (acetaminophen) Liquid potpourri
Tuna Advil (ibuprofen) Pine cleaners
Onions Aspirin Dog flea products
Grapes & raisins Pepto Bismol Tobacco
Yeast dough Sunburn relief sprays Lilies (any species)
Alcoholic beverages Naproxen Antifreeze
Avocado Pseudoephedrine (decongestants) String

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This article is from the book: 

About the book author:

Dusty Rainbolt is Product Reviewer for Catnip, former Product Editor for Whole Cat Journal, and an award-winning writer.