A good veterinarian discusses standard issues with you when you take your Bulldog for his first checkup, but knowing what to discuss beforehandhelps you cover everything you need to know about your Bulldog and also makes you look like a responsible pet owner. Bring along this list of items to discuss with your veterinarian:
Ask how familiar they are with Bulldogs. Veterinarians are supposed to be comfortable with all dog breeds, but be sure that your vet is particularly knowledgeable about the special needs of Bulldogs.
Ask about what vaccinations you need. Your vet should know how certain vaccinations affect Bulldogs.
Ask about your state’s regulations regarding a rabies shot. Different states have different rules about rabies shots and how often shots are given. Veterinarians send out reminders about shots, but you should know whether your dog will need a rabies shot yearly or every three years. It’s your responsibility to keep your dog up-to-date with vaccinations.
Ask about after hours and emergency care. If your Bulldog has a veterinary emergency after your vet’s office hours, you need to know where to take him for help!
Ask your veterinarian if he is aware that many Bulldogs have small tracheas. The restricted airway is a big deal with Bulldogs because it tends to cause breathing problems.
Ask about surgery for elongated palate and stenotic nares. Again, your vet should be knowledgeable about these issues due to potential breathing problems with Bulldogs.
Ask about getting your Bulldog spayed or neutered. Your vet should volunteer this information, but make sure to bring it up just in case. Bulldog breeding is not for the faint of heart, as they have special needs that other breeds don’t.