
Understanding Pomeranians and Shedding

2016-03-26 22:38:33
From The Book:  
Pomeranians For Dummies
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A Pomeranian in shedding season looks just like a fluffy dandelion giving up its seeds in a strong wind. Because shedding is controlled in part by changes in light, most natural shedding occurs as the days get longer. But because modern dogs live in our homes with year-round artificial lighting, they shed somewhat all year. However, they still tend to have more intense shedding periods in the spring and, for some reason, fall. Females also shed following their seasons and especially after whelping puppies (they go practically bald!). During those periods of intense shedding, your house may look like it's in a snow flurry.

Puppies shed parts of their coat at different ages:

  • At about 14 weeks of age, the face starts looking slick; this stage lasts about three weeks.
  • Around 4 to 5 months of age, its hair starts falling out in a stripe down the back. The shedding continues until an adult coat replaces the puppy coat.
    Because the puppy tends to shed unevenly and can look so scraggly, you may start to think your puppy's a mixed breed or has caught some terrible coat disease. Don't worry. Unless bare skin is showing, this is the normal puppy shed.
  • About 9 or 10 months of age, your naked Pom blossoms into a powder puff.

Shed hair has to go somewhere. It can get tangled in remaining hair to form frightening mats, it can ball together into tumbleweeds that bounce down your hallways, or it can cling to everything from your furniture to your clothes. The only other choice is for your brush and comb to catch the shedded hair, which explains the need for daily grooming during shedding season. Brushing your dog every day cuts down on the amount of hair that decorates your home and clothing.

About This Article

This article is from the book: 

About the book author:

D. Caroline Coile, PhD, is an enthusiastic dog breeder and exhibitor. She is the author of 34 dog books and many dog-related magazine articles, and she's the winner of 20 national dog-writing awards.