No matter how careful you are about keeping your Rottweiler safe, accidents can happen. It’s best to be prepared if you have an emergency,so keep the following items stocked in your dog’s first aid kit:
Activated charcoal tablets
Adhesive tape (1- and 2-inch widths)
Antibacterial ointment (for skin and eyes)
Antihistamine (approved by your vet for allergic reactions)
Athletic sock (to slip over an injured paw)
Bandages and dressing pads (gauze rolls, 1- and 2-inch widths)
Cotton balls
Diarrhea medicine
Dosing syringe
Emergency phone numbers (taped on the cover of the first aid kit)
Hydrogen peroxide (3 percent solution)
Ipecac syrup (to induce vomiting)
Nylon stocking (to use as a muzzle)
Petroleum jelly
Pliers or tweezers (for removing stings, barbs, and quills)
Rectal thermometer
Rubber gloves
Rubbing alcohol
Scissors (preferably with rounded tips)
Tourniquet kit
Syringe (without needle, for administering oral medications)