
Shows and Competitions for Your Yorkshire Terrier

2016-03-26 22:02:36
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Your Yorkshire Terrier can compete in many events (agility, tracking, obedience), but dog shows (or conformation events) are probably the most popular for Yorkies and their humans. Showing your Yorkshire Terrier has several benefits, from the thrill of competing, to the fun you can have meeting other people who love their Yorkies as much as you love yours.

Obedience competition

A basic obedience background is essential for any canine sport, so one of the best places to start is with obedience competition. Try attending an AKC- or UKC-sanctioned obedience competition to see how it works, or attend less-formal obedience events sponsored by your local dog club.

In obedience events, your Yorkie is judged on how well she performs certain tasks, such as heeling both on and off the leash, coming when called, staying, standing still for a simple physical exam, and jumping and retrieving objects.

To be eligible, you must register your Yorkie with the AKC, and your Yorkie must be at least 6 months of age. For complete information on obedience events, visit the AKC site.

Conformation shows

In a conformation dog show, your Yorkie is judged on how well she conforms to the breed standard. The dog the judge deems closest to perfection should be the winner.

Your Yorkie is judged on how well she conforms to the breed standard.
Your Yorkie is judged on how well she conforms to the breed standard.

To be eligible to enter a conformation event, your Yorkie must be registered with the AKC, be at least 6 months old. Although it looks like a beauty contest for dogs, the judges are actually evaluating the breeding stock of each breed. You can find more information about conformation shows and whether your dog can qualify from the AKC.

Spayed or neutered dogs may not participate in conformation shows.

Tracking tests

In tracking events, the AKC version of canine search and rescue, your Yorkie is judged on how well she can track and find objects. The tasks build in difficulty, and at each level, the scent gets older, the track gets longer, and the directional changes become more numerous.

Although your Yorkie's eligible to enter tracking events for experience and practice at 4 months old, she must be certified by an approved tracking judge and be at least 6 months old before she can compete in a tracking test. You can find tracking events and more information through the AKC's Tracking page or your local dog club.

Agility trials

Agility is hot these days because everyone loves to watch it. In agility events, your Yorkie is judged on how well and how quickly she can follow your cues to make it through an obstacle course that includes jumps, tunnels, weave poles, and other challenges.

To be eligible to enter agility events, your Yorkie must be AKC-registered and be at least 1 year old. You can find agility events and more information through the AKC's Agility page or your local dog club.

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Tracy Barr is the coauthor of Adoption For Dummies and Latin For Dummies. Lodge Manufacturing is America's oldest family-owned cookware manufacturer and the sole domestic cast-iron cookware foundry.