
Dog Housetraining Tools

2016-03-26 22:09:28
From The Book:  
Housetraining For Dummies
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Before you can start housetraining your puppy or adult dog, you have to get your home ready. Depending on how you plan to housetrain your dog, here’s a list of equipment you may need to get the job done:

  • Crate: A correctly sized crate is just large enough for your dog to comfortably stand up, turn around, and lie down in.

  • Newspapers or dog litter: These items can serve as crucial components for a housetrainee’s indoor potty.

  • Baby gates: Secure baby gates keep your housetrainee from venturing into areas of your house where you don’t want him to be.

  • Plastic bags: Oblong bags, like those that cover newspapers or enclose loaves of bread, are extremely helpful when picking up dog poop.

  • Pet stain cleaner: A cleaner designed especially for pet stains is essential to cleaning up doggie bathroom accidents.

  • Black light: This handy device helps you find urine stains that elude human detection but serve as invitations for dogs to repeat their bathroom boo-boos.

  • Collar: A flat buckle or snap collar not only provides a place to attach your dog’s leash to but also holds essential identification tags.

  • Leash: A 6-foot-long leash of leather, cotton, or nylon keeps your pooch tethered to you when you take him outdoors to do his business.

  • Doggie door: After your dog is fully housetrained, this item allows him to take himself from inside your house to the outdoor potty in his fenced yard.

  • Fencing: A secure fence that’s 4 to 6 feet high can keep your dog in his yard and keep other dogs out of it.

  • Doggie jacket or sweater: A jacket or sweater keeps your four-legged friend warm when he has to potty outdoors in cold weather.

About This Article

This article is from the book: 

About the book author:

Susan McCullough is the author of the bestselling Housetraining For Dummies and the award-winning Senior Dogs For Dummies.