
Eliminating Color Casts on Your Canon EOS Rebel T6/1300D

2016-11-11 14:42:35
Canon EOS Rebel T4i/650D For Dummies
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Normally, the Rebel T6/1300D renders colors accurately through its automatic white-balancing system, which compensates for any color added to a scene by the light source. For example, incandescent lights infuse a scene with a warm tint, which is neutralized by the white-balancing system.

When a scene is lit by two or more light sources, though, the camera can get confused, creating a photo that has an unnatural color tint. In that event, you may be able to fix things through the following options:

  • Shoot by Lighting or Scene Type: Available in Portrait, Landscape, Sports, and Close-up scene modes, this option enables you to tell the camera to compensate for a particular light source or, for outdoor shots, the lighting conditions. Your choices include Daylight, Shade, Cloudy, and Sunset. For Portrait, Sports, and Close-up modes, you also can choose Fluorescent Light and Tungsten Light (select this setting for incandescent bulbs as well as tungsten bulbs). To return to the regular, automatic white-balancing formula, select Default.
  • Color Tone (Food mode only): When you use the Food scene mode, you lose access to the Shoot by Lighting or Scene Type option. In its place, you get a Color Tone slider that enables you to make colors warmer (more red) or cooler (more blue).

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About the book author:

Julie Adair King is a veteran digital photography educator. Her best selling books include Digital Photography For Dummies and thirty titles on Canon and Nikon cameras.