There’s nothing worse than an image where the subject is out of focus. This often occurs when you shoot with a large aperture. If your focus isn’t spot-on, the entire image appears to be out of focus. However, if you have one object in focus, you give viewers something to latch onto.
When you review images on your camera LCD monitor, zoom in until you can see details. If the details aren’t in focus, try one of these fixes:
Choose a faster shutter speed if you’re shooting in Shutter Priority mode. When you’re photographing a moving object, you need to use a shutter speed that is fast enough to freeze action.
Choose a larger aperture if you’re shooting in Aperture Priority mode. A larger aperture lets more light into the camera, which also increases the shutter speed.
Increase the ISO setting. If the light is dim, increasing the ISO setting makes the camera more sensitive to light, which increases the shutter speed.
Lock focus in a different spot. When you photograph an object such as a flower or an animal, switch to a single auto-focus point. Position the auto-focus point over your subject.
If you’re photographing an animal that is stationary, place the auto-focus point over the eye that’s closest to the camera. Press the shutter button halfway to achieve focus and, with the shutter button still pressed halfway, move the camera to achieve the desired composition. Then take the picture.
Switch to continuous auto-focus mode if you’re photographing a bird in flight or a moving animal. When you switch to this mode, the camera updates focus as the animal moves.