
How to Screen Movies Shot on the Nikon D7100

2016-03-26 13:57:58
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Canon EOS R50 For Dummies
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To play a movie you recorded on your Nikon D7100, press the Playback button. In single-image playback mode, you can spot a movie file by looking for the little movie camera icon in the top-left corner of the screen.


You also can view other movie-related data, including the image area, frame size, frame rate, and Movie Quality setting. (Remember: A star means that you set the Movie Quality option to High.) To start playback, press OK.


In the thumbnail and Calendar playback modes, you see little filmstrip dots along the edges of image thumbnails to represent movie files. This time, press OK twice: once to shift to single-image view and again to start movie playback.

After playback begins, you see the data labeled in the following figure. The progress bar and Time Elapsed value show you how much of the movie has played so far; you can also see the total movie length. The other symbols at the bottom of the screen are there to remind you that you can use various camera buttons to control playback, as follows:

  • Stop playback: Press the Multi Selector up. The white circle labeled “Playback control symbols” in the figure (lower-right) represents the Multi Selector.

  • Pause/resume playback: Press down to pause playback; press OK to resume playback.

  • Fast-forward/rewind: Press the Multi Selector right or left to fast-forward or rewind the movie, respectively. Press again to double the fast-forward or rewind speed; keep pressing to increase the speed to as fast as 16 times normal. Hold the button down to fast-forward or rewind all the way to the end or beginning of the movie.

  • Forward/rewind 10 seconds: Rotate the Main command dial to the right to jump 10 seconds through the movie; rotate to the left to jump back 10 seconds.

  • Skip to the last frame/first frame: Rotate the Sub-command dial.

  • Advance frame by frame: First, press the Multi Selector down to pause playback. Then press the Multi Selector right to advance one frame; press left to go back one frame.

  • Adjust playback volume: See the markings labeled “Volume control symbols”? They remind you that you can press the Qual button to increase volume and press the ISO button to lower it.

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About the book author:

Julie Adair King is a veteran digital photography educator. Her best selling books include Digital Photography For Dummies and thirty titles on Canon and Nikon cameras.