If you have a damaged area on your kitchen countertop, you can replace it with a tempered or heat-resistant glass inset. Then you can put a hot pan or baking dish directly onto it without worrying about breaks or cracks, as you would if you put cold glass that isn’t heat resistant into a hot oven. You need a square, a ruler, the glass, the frame, caulk, and a saber saw.
Measure the damaged area and purchase a piece of tempered glass that’s larger than the damaged area. You want the piece to be surrounded completely by undamaged laminate so that it doesn’t look like you patched the counter.
Measure and mark the laminate.
Use a square and ruler to mark each side precisely.
Level the area from side to side and along the front edge before you start cutting.
Most walls aren’t completely straight. But even if yours isn’t, it won’t be as noticeable as having the front and side edges of the board climbing a hill or walking down a plank.
Carefully cut the countertop along those marked lines with a saber saw.
Go slowly enough that the saber saw doesn’t head off on a tangent.
Hang the metal rim off the cut edges. Turn it over and put silicone caulk onto the lip.
Tempered glass, available at home improvement stores, has to have a metal frame.
Turn the glass upside down. Put the glass into the center of the frame.
Press the glass it into the caulk so that it stays in place.
Put lug bolts through the frame and fasten them to the anchor pad.
The bolts or screws come with the frame when you buy it.
Apply adhesive to the surface of the cutout and set the unit in place.
Press down on it to make sure it bonds tightly.
Cover the unit with cloth and weight it until the adhesive forms a tight bond.
You may have to use a putty knife or some other stiff blade to remove excess caulk from the glass and surrounding countertop.