
How to Announce Your Engagement

2016-03-26 21:22:44
Destination Weddings For Dummies
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You might decide to announce your engagement to the multitudes by way of your current local newspaper, your hometown newspaper, or the one where your parents currently reside. It’s the most mannerly way to alert the public of your intentions; sending out engagement announcements is frowned upon because it looks like a ploy to get gifts.

In the age of reality TV and confessional talk shows, going public with details of your engagement or wedding in a local newspaper may seem low profile and old-fashioned. Nonetheless, you need to undertake these formalities with care to present yourselves as a couple in the best possible light for public record.

Many papers no longer publish engagement announcements because they discovered that vendors deluged the couple with solicitations — and that engagements don’t always end in marriage. The papers would rather print the wedding announcement.

Some newspapers publish wedding announcements as a free service to readers, while others treat them like classified ads and charge a fee. They usually have a form you must print or type out—if your newspaper has a Web site, you may be able to download the form there. Otherwise, call to find out the procedure, submission deadline and photo specifications.

Engagement parties are another popular way to share your news. If you’re lucky enough to have friends or family who’ll host a party to celebrate your engagement, the invitation will serve as an announcement itself.

Another popular way to announce your engagement is by building a wedding Web site. After your site goes live and you’ve tested the features, send an e-mail to family and friends announcing your Web site launch.

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About the book author:

Sue Fox is the author of Etiquette For Dummies, 2nd Edition, and a professional member of the International Association of Protocol Consultants (IAPC) in Washington, D.C.