Before you discount or leap to an electronic or particularly feature-full tool for your business analysis, consider how specific the analysis or collaborative exchange needs to be and whether the technology you have in mind is truly the vehicle to get you there. Don’t make the mistake of falling in love with features you don’t need. Keep the following in mind to avoid this fate:
Don’t overengineer. If your primary collaboration requirement is to communicate with each other, keep things simple; a tool specifically for collaboration may be overkill if talking on the phone can do the job. If your needs start and end with your small team, a large high-tech tool may be completely overengineered or overcomplicated.
Don’t get caught up in the flash of electronic tools. Be sure to look past bells and whistles to evaluate whether a tool really provides the needed functionality. For instance, some general collaboration tools provide visuals but no sound; some provide sound yet lack visuals; some offer both. If sound is critical to your need, don’t get wrapped up in the visual effects of options that don’t offer it.
Don’t settle for virtual when in-person analysis or collaboration is really required. Think about what you need to accomplish and the kind of contact that enables you to do so. No matter what tools you use, connecting virtually still may not provide the value of an in-person event.
Your collaboration topic may be best served by a real conference room and a travel budget, and without that, your results will be insufficient or ineffective.