Of course, if you have access to PHP, it’s really quite easy to build HTML5 and CSS3 pages dynamically. Take a look at the csInclude.php program to see how this is done:
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang = "en-US"> <head> <meta charset = "UTF-8"> <title>CS PHP Includes</title> <link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text/css" href = "csStd.css" /> </head> <body> <div id = "all"> <!-- This div centers a fixed-width layout → <div id = "heading"> <?php include("head.html"); ?> </div><!-- end heading div → <div id = "menu"> <?php include("menu.html"); ?> </div> <!-- end menu div → <div class = "content"> <?php include("story1.html"); ?> </div> <!-- end content div → <div class = "content"> <?php include("story2.html"); ?> </div> <!-- end content div → <div id = "footer"> <?php include("footer.html"); ?> </div> <!-- end footer div → </div> <!-- end all div → </body> </html>
Using PHP is almost the same as using an SSI and AJAX approach:
Start by building a template.
The general template for all three styles of page inclusion is the same. There’s no need to change the general design or the CSS.
Create a small PHP segment for each inclusion.
In this particular situation, it’s easiest to write HTML code for the main site and write a small PHP section for each segment that needs to be included.
Include the HTML file.
Each PHP snippet does nothing more than include the appropriate HTML.