Although they’re not broadcast radio stations, some sources on the Internet — Internet radio sites — play music. Lamentably, your Samsung Galaxy tablet doesn’t come with any Internet radio apps, but that doesn’t stop you from finding a few good ones at the Google Play Store. Two free services that to recommend are
TuneIn Radio
Pandora Radio
The TuneIn Radio app gives you access to hundreds of Internet radio stations broadcasting around the world. They’re organized by category, so you can find just about whatever you want. Many of the radio stations are also broadcast radio stations, so odds are good you can find a local station or two, which you can listen to on your Galaxy tablet.
Pandora Radio lets you select music based on your mood and customizes, according to your feedback, the tunes you listen to. The app works like the Internet site, in case you’re familiar with it. The nifty thing about Pandora is that the more you listen, the better the app gets at finding music you like.
These apps are available at the Google Play Store. They’re free, though paid versions might also be available.
It’s best to listen to Internet radio when your tablet is connected to the Internet via a Wi-Fi connection. Streaming music can use a lot of your cellular data plan’s data allotment.
Internet music of the type delivered by the apps mentioned is referred to by the nerds as streaming music. That’s because the music arrives on your Galaxy tablet as a continuous download from the source. Unlike music you download and save, streaming music is played as it comes in and is not stored long-term.