
How to Manage Separation Anxiety

2016-03-26 17:23:41
Military Transition For Dummies
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When your spouse is deployed with the military and you can watch the news 24 hours a day, it’s easy to let your imagination run wild. Technology’s a great thing, but sometimes enough is enough and you need to unplug. You’re going to have to find ways to manage your separation anxiety or you’ll find yourself coming apart. Try these tips to unwind.

  • Exercise regularly. Even if it’s just a walk with a friend around the block, build some exercise into your routine to let off some steam.

  • Eat healthfully. It’s going to be tempting to not cook meals for one, but it’s worth making the effort instead of eating out all the time. Find the spouse of another deployed servicemember and share meals.

  • Get your sleep. It’s important to recharge your batteries every night.

  • Stay away from toxic people. You’ll recognize them — they’re the ones that generate drama. They will drain your lifeblood — and you do not have the time or energy for this. Do not empower them to take more of your attention than you’re willing to give.

  • Have fun. It’s okay to have fun while your spouse is deployed or TDY. You don’t have to do everything together. If you have an opportunity to take advantage of excursions or a little trip with another spouse and their kids, do it. It’ll help pass the time and keep your mind occupied.

  • Get involved. Don’t spend days alone in the house by yourself. Before too long, the days will string together and become weeks. Without knowing it, you might have cut yourself off from the outside world. If you’re not working outside the home, find volunteer opportunities that appeal to you or find other reasons to leave the house.

  • Remember that your spouse has the best training possible and that he is good at his job. Have faith that he will be fine.

About This Article

This article is from the book: 

About the book author:

Sheryl Garrett is a financial advisor, author, and speaker. She founded the Garrett Planning Network and is the author of Personal Finance Workbook For Dummies.

Sue Hoppin is the Deputy Director for Spouse Outreach at the Military Officers Association of America. In 2007, Military Spouse magazine placed Sue on their 2007 Who's Who of Military Spouses list.