You can opt to have Word 2013 make a once-over scan for spelling and grammatical errors. This process can take place when you’re done writing, just before printing or publishing your document. It’s kind of like ironing out the wrinkles in a freshly laundered shirt. Here’s how it works:
Click the Review tab on the Ribbon.
This will give you the Proofing Group.
In the Proofing group, click the Spelling & Grammar button.
The Spelling pane or Grammar pane box appears, depending on how you’ve offended Word’s grammatical sensibilities. Errors are shown one at a time as they occur in your document. You may even be regaled with an explanation of what’s wrong and other comments that may or may not affect you emotionally.
Deal with the offense.
Here's what you can do for spelling errors:
To keep your typo, click the Ignore button.
To avoid Word pestering you again and again for the same spelling sin, click the Ignore All button.
Click the Add button to dispatch the word to the custom dictionary.
Choose a replacement word from the listed suggestions, and then click the Change button to have Word fix it. Or you can click the Change All button, and each instance is repaired throughout your document.
Here are some suggestions for dealing with grammatical boo-boos:
To fix the error, edit the highlighted text in your document.
Click the Resume button when you’re done. Use the Ignore button to skip the error.
Click the Change button to replace the text with what Word believes to be something more proper.
Continue checking your document until Word says that it’s done.
It could say you’re “good to go.” Whatever.