In order to generate interest in your online marketing campaign, you may need to post content to Google+. Posts from profiles you’ve circled show up in your stream. That’s the first page you see when you log in to Google+.
You can comment on, share, or +1 posts that appear in your stream. When you do, the person who posted the content receives a notification. If you comment, all the other folks who commented on that post receive a notification via their Google+ account that you commented, too.
That tends to lead to long discussions over interesting stuff. Often, you see thousands of comments on a single post. It’s a very powerful toolset for interacting with other people.
If you want to grow your Google+ audience, though, you need to post. Like Facebook, Google+ lets you post text, links to other content on the web, photos, and videos.
To post, follow these steps:
Click in the Share What’s New field at the top of your stream.
Type your message.
Select the circles that you want to share this message with.
Click the Share button.
Your shared content appears in the home streams of everyone within the circles you selected, as well as on your profile page.
The Google+ interface is still changing daily. Click around and explore. You’ll probably find a bunch of new tools that didn’t exist when this was written.