
How to Pronounce the Dutch Alphabet

2016-03-26 21:25:49
From The Book:  
Dutch For Dummies
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It’s best to begin with the basics, so here’s the Dutch alphabet which shares the same format as English, but pronounces the letters slightly differently. Take a look at the phonetic tips next to each for how to say each one.

A ah N en
B bay O oa
C say P pay
D day Q kuw
E ay R her
F ef S es
G khay T tay
H hah U uw
I ee V fay
J yay W way
K kah X ix
L el Y ehy
M em Z zet

About This Article

This article is from the book: 

About the book author:

Margreet Kwakernaak has taught Dutch to foreign students for over ten years. She is the founder and director of Suitcase Talen, a language school in Almere, the Netherlands.