
How to Run a Bar: Employee Theft Minimization

2016-03-26 11:24:29
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Running a Restaurant For Dummies
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Yes, it’s a sad fact of life in the bar business. Some people will steal from you. Not all — just a few dishonest jerks. People are only as honest as you let them be. It’s your job to keep them honest!

The most important step you can take to prevent theft is to hire smart. (“Hire smart, fire seldom” is a good hiring policy.) Check out potential employees’ references. You asked for them, now call them.

Here are other suggestions to keep your staff from stealing from you:

  • Use a ticket system. For every food item and drink, the server must give a ticket (a piece of paper with the order and the table/check number on it, also called a dupe in bar lingo) to the employee preparing the order. Nothing leaves the kitchen or the bar without a dupe or order slip — nothing!

  • Make sure that every customer gets a check, including you. Everyone sitting at the bar should have a check in front of them. Don’t place the check behind the bar. Write the customer’s name on the back of the check. And if you buy someone a drink, ring it up. Everything has to be rung on the register, even if you comp it later.

  • All employees should leave and enter by the same door, and all coats and bags should be left in an employee area with a closed door and a camera installed outside or near the door. The employees must have a place to keep their purses, valuables, and coats.

    A dishonest person will steal from anyone, even her co-workers. If people question your motives, tell them that you’re stopping people from stealing from you and them.

  • Never let a bartender work with an open register(a register that you simply push a button to open). The register should open only to close out a sale. Everything has to be rung on the register. If you use an open register for some reason, watch out for too many “No Sales” on the register tape.

    A “No Sale” is a sign that the bartender opened the register drawer without ringing something in. The register should only be opened to settle a bill. Install a change maker to keep the bartender from having to make change from the register.

  • Don’t let a bartender count the money at night. Instead, have him bring it to the office with a time of closing, the dupes, and any slips documenting any money taken out and with the specific reason it was done.

    For example, if the bartender has ten $100 bills in the drawer in the middle of a shift, you may decide to pull that money out and move it to the safe in the back for safekeeping. If you do that, you need to replace the money with a note saying who’s taking the money and why. Only a few people should ever have reason or authorization to do this.

  • Keep a daily diary behind the bar. It should list the time your bar opened, the time it closed, and any other facts that are important for each shift.

    Managers and supervisors complete the log, and should keep log entries factual and professional. This tool will be extremely valuable when you have to reconstruct events for any reason. These documents can be subpoenaed and read in court, so make sure they accurately represent your business.

  • Watch or have your manager watch employees leaving at night. You don’t have to pat them down or make them declare their 3 ounces of liquids, but make sure they’re not leaving with the store.

  • Don’t place tip cups next to the register. Have a big tip cup, placed behind the bar, at least 6 feet from the register.

  • Put locks on doors. This suggestion sounds simple, but if you want to keep people out of something, lock it up. You can lock up coolers, storerooms, offices, bar wells, liquor cabinets, and just about anything else.

    Locks don’t keep out thieves, but they keep honest people honest. If you don’t give people the opportunity to steal, most people won’t. If people want to steal, they’ll figure out a way, but locks are your first line of defense.

  • Give keys to as few people as possible. The fewer people with keys, the easier it is to find out what’s going wrong. And in this case, keys are a deterrent to the few people who do have keys — they know that it’s usually not hard to figure out what happened.

About This Article

This article is from the book: 

About the book author:

R. Foley is the founder and editor of BARTENDER Magazine. A consultant to some of the United States’ top distillers and importers, he is responsible for creating and naming new drinks for the liquor industry.

Heather Dismore began her career as a well-traveled, highly productive restaurant manager. She left the industry to devote time to her family and her love of writing. In a publishing career spanning over a decade, her work has impacted some 400 titles. Dismore resides in Naperville, Illinois, with her husband, who is a professional chef, and their two daughters. She is the owner of PageOne Publishing, a freelance Web content development company with a focus on the hospitality industry.