
How to Score Doubled Contracts in Bridge

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2021-08-03 17:56:46
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You can double a contract if your opponents arrive at a final contract that either you or your partner think is just too high. For example, if the opponents bid 7NT (notrump), meaning that they must take all 13 tricks, and you’re on lead with an ace, you know that they can’t take all 13 tricks.

You can say “Double” (“I dare you”) when it’s your turn to bid. Here’s how a doubled contract plays out:

  • If you defeat the doubled contract, you get at least double your normal penalty score for the undertricks.

  • If the opponents make the doubled contract, they get double their trick score plus 50 for the insult.

Scoring doubled undertricks in bridge

Say that the final contract is doubled (it often is). If the declarer fails to make the contract, losses are tabulated depending on the vulnerability of the declaring side. The score for defeating the contract goes above the line of the doubling side.

Nonvulnerable undertricks in doubled contracts carry the following penalty points:

  • Down 1 = 100 points

  • Down 2 = 300 points

  • Down 3 = 500 points

  • Down 4 = 800 points

Each subsequent undertrick is worth 300 more points to the doubling side.

Vulnerable undertricks in doubled contracts carry the following penalty points:

  • Down 1 = 200 points

  • Down 2 = 500 points

  • Down 3 = 800 points

  • Down 4 = 1,100 points

Each subsequent undertrick is worth 300 more points to the doubling side. It gets pretty wild.

Scoring doubled overtricks in bridge

Sometimes the doubling side gets it all wrong and the declarer not only makes the contract, but makes it with overtricks, to boot. For these overtricks, the declarer gets the following bonus points:
  • Each doubled overtrick, nonvulnerable = 100 points

  • Each doubled overtrick, vulnerable = 200 points

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