From the Start menu, search for and open the Command Prompt.
Type CD, a space, and then the backslash character.
CD /
Press Enter. This command propels you to the root directory (folder) on the main hard drive.
Type DIR and a space.
Type the name of the file you’re looking for.
For example, if you’re looking for the file secret.doc, type secret.doc. You can type upper- or lowercase letters.
When you don’t know the full name, replace the part you don’t know with an asterisk (which is a wildcard). For example, you type secret* to search for all files beginning with the word secret.
Don’t type any spaces. If you must type a space, use the ? (question mark) character instead.
Type another space and then /S, a space, and /P.
The complete command line to look for the file secret.doc appears like this:
dir secret.doc /s /p
The /s option directs a search of all folders on the hard drive; the /p option pauses the display after each screen of text. Double-check everything!
Press the Enter key.
The results display one screen at a time.
Peruse the screen full of results.
If you find a file that matches, you can open a Windows Explorer window to display the file’s folder.
Press Win+E to open a Windows Explorer window.
The pathname is found above the filename in the results. The pathname reads similar to this line:
<span class="code">Directory of C:UsersDangDocumentsForgotten</span>
If the file isn’t found, press Enter to see the next screen (if necessary).
The prompt reads Press any key to continue, but the Enter key is the “any key.” Repeat Steps 7 and 8 to review the results.
Type the EXIT command to close the Command Prompt window when you’re done.
Yes, this method is not only technical — it’s tedious. But the DIR command does a thorough job of scouring the entire hard drive. Sometimes you may want to use it just to confirm that a file doesn’t exist.