Pitch shots in golf, which you play with only your wedges and 9-iron, require some wrist action. So, when you make a pitch shot, you need to figure out how long your swing should be and how fast.
Even the best players try to avoid pitch shots. They’re “in-between” shots. You can’t just make your normal, everyday, full swing — that would send the ball way too far. You’re stuck making a half-type swing — which is never easy, especially when you’re under pressure.
Adopt a narrow, open stance.

Place your feet about 12 inches from heel to heel, and pull your left foot back from the target line. Position the ball on a line about 2 inches to the left of your right big toe.
Position your shoulders parallel to your toe line.

Also, keep them open to the target.
Place about 80 percent of your weight on your left side.
By moving your hands ahead of the ball, you encourage the downward strike that you need to make solid contact with the ball.
In your backswing, hinge your wrists so that the shaft is horizontal.

Don’t move the butt end of the club too far.
Swing through the shot.

You want the clubhead accelerating smoothly through the ball, so build up the momentum gradually from address.