
Italian Travel-Related Words and Phrases

2016-03-26 22:01:25
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Traveling in Italy can be confusing if you can't read the signs or understand the instructions you're given. Learning a few useful travel-related words and phrases in Italian before you begin traveling can save you time and reduce your frustration level.

Here are a few general travel-related terms that everyone should know before making the big trip.

passaporto [m] (passport)
valigia [f] (suitcase)
zaino (backpack)
borsa (bag)
biglietto [m] (ticket)
prenotare (reservation)

Making travel arrangements

While traveling in Italy, you often need to make or change your travel arrangements. Whether you are scheduling a flight or a train trip, the following words can help you with the reservation and ticket-buying process.

biglietto di andata e ritorno (round-trip ticket)
biglietto a senso unico (one-way ticket)
posto (seat)
stazione (train station)
treno [m] (train)
volo (flight)
aeroporto [m] (airport)

The following phrases are some common questions that you might need to ask when making travel arrangements in Italy.

  • Avete sconti per studenti? (Do you have any discounts for students?)

  • Per favore, due biglietti per Napoli. (I'll take two tickets please for Naples.)

  • Vorrei prenotare due biglietti. (I would like to reserve two tickets.)

  • Vorrei comprare due biglietti andata e ritorno. (I would like to buy two round-trip tickets.)

  • Solo andata. (Just one-way.)

  • Prima o seconda classe? (First or second class?)

  • Quanti siete? (How many are you?)

  • Siamo in quattro. (There are four of us.)

  • Qual`è il cognome? (What is the last name?)

  • Quanto in anticipo dovremmo arrivare? (How early should we arrive?)

  • Quanto è il biglietto? (How much is the ticket?)

  • Vorremmo il volo delle diciannove. (We'd like the 7 p.m. flight.)

  • Preferisce il posto corridoio o finestrino? (Would you prefer aisle or window seats? [Formal])

  • Possiamo sedere tutti insieme, per favore? (May we all sit together, please?)

  • Per favore posso avere un pasto vegetariano? (May I please request a vegetarian meal?)

  • Che differenza c'è tra questo treno e quello? (What is the difference between this train and this train?)

  • C'è l'aria condizionata su questo treno? (Is there air conditioning on this train?)

  • Quale binario? (What train track?)

  • Binario numero tre. (Track three.)

    When traveling by train, you have to punch your ticket in a validation machine before boarding; otherwise, you'll be fined.

Making hotel reservations

Although many of the larger hotels in Italy have English-speaking staff, you rarely find that in the smaller hotels and in the smaller towns. The following phrases can help you when making or changing your hotel reservations.

  • Avete disponibilità per il ventitrè e il ventiquattro agosto? (Do you have any availability on August 23 and 24?)

  • Avete una camera sul Canal Grande? (Do you have a room on the Grand Canal?)

  • Mi dispiace, siamo al completo. (I'm sorry, we're full.)

  • Si ne abbiamo. Cosa vi interessava? (Yes, we do. What were you looking for?)

  • Vorremmo una tripla, per favore. (We'd like a triple, please.)

  • C'è l'aria condizionata nella stanza? (Does the room have air conditioning?)

  • C'è il bagno? (Does it have a bathroom?)

  • La colazione è compresa? (Is breakfast included?)

  • Dobbiamo cancellare la nostra prenotazione. (We need to cancel our room reservation.)

  • A che ora bisogna lasciare la camera? (At what time is checkout?)

About This Article

This article is from the book: 

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About the book author:

Teresa Picarazzi, PhD, has taught Italian language, literature, and cinema for more than 30 years. She now teaches Italian at The Hopkins School in New Haven. She has lived, studied, and worked in Florence, Siena, Urbino, Cortona, and Ravenna, Italy. She has written books and several articles on Italian politics and culture.