
Lower Body Foam Roller Workouts and Stretches

2021-03-25 15:32:53
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You have so many options available to strengthen and stretch your hips and legs. Give these foam roller exercises and stretches a solid try for two weeks. You’ll find that they’re much tougher than you expected, and your legs will be happier.

Lower body–strengthening exercises

Try out the exercises in this section when you want a good strengthening workout for your lower body.

Level 1: Two sets of ten reps; progress as tolerable to four sets of 20 reps with a 30-second rest between sets.

Level 2: Two sets of ten reps; progress as tolerable to four sets of 20 reps with a 30-second rest between sets.


For Level 1 (see figure), follow these steps:
  1. Standing on a half roller, perform a squat, maintaining a tall spine until the thighs are horizontal.
  2. Return to the starting position.
Squats, Level 1 Photography by Haim Ariav and Klara Cu

Squats, Level 1

When you’re ready, move up to Level 2:

  1. As demonstrated, stand on a full roller, perform a squat, maintaining a tall spine until the thighs are horizontal.
  2. Return to the starting position

Wall sits

For Level 1 (see figure), follow these steps:
  1. Press the pelvis, spine, and shoulders against a stable wall while maintaining 90-degree angles at the ankles, knees, and hips.
  2. Hold this position for 30 to 90 seconds.
  3. Repeat five times.
Wall sits, Level 1 Photography by Haim Ariav and Klara Cu

Wall sits, Level 1

When you’re ready, move up to Level 2 (see following figure):

  1. Position the posterior pelvis against a full roller on a stable wall.
  2. Lower the hips, allowing the roller to roll upwards until you reach a position of 90-degree angles at the ankles, knees, and hips.
  3. Hold this position for 30 to 90 seconds before returning to the starting position.
  4. Repeat five times.
Wall sits, Level 2 Photography by Haim Ariav and Klara Cu

Wall sits, Level 2

Reverse lunges

For Level 1 (see figure), follow these steps:
  1. Start with one foot flat on the ground in front of the pelvis, back knee bent, and hands on the hips.
  2. Drop the back knee towards the ground, keeping the spine vertical and never letting the lead knee bend past 90 degrees.
  3. Stop with the back knee slightly off the ground.
  4. Hold this position for 30 to 90 seconds before returning to the starting position.
  5. Alternate legs, performing five reps with each leg.
Reverse lunges, Level 1 Photography by Haim Ariav and Klara Cu

Reverse lunges, Level 1

When you’re ready, move up to Level 2 (see figure):

  1. Start with one foot resting on a full roller in front of the pelvis, back knee bent, and hands on hips.
  2. Drop the back knee towards the ground, keeping the spine vertical, and never letting the lead knee bend past 90 degrees.
  3. Stop with the back knee slightly off the ground.
  4. Hold this position for 30 to 90 seconds before returning to the starting position.
  5. Alternate legs, performing five reps with each leg.
Reverse lunges, Level 2. Photography by Haim Ariav and Klara Cu

Reverse lunges, Level 2

Toes raises

For Level 1 (see figure), follow these steps:
  1. Sit tall in a firm chair, the front of the down foot resting on a half roller, knee bent to 90 degrees, the other leg rotated with the ankle resting on top of the bent down knee, hands on the top ankle.
  2. Elevate the lower heel while adding resistance with the hands on the top leg.
  3. Finish all reps on one side before switching sides.
Toes raises, Level 1. Photography by Haim Ariav and Klara Cu

Toes raises, Level 1

When you’re ready, move up to Level 2 (see figure):

  1. Standing tall with the front of both feet resting on a half roller, knees straight, and spine vertical.
  2. Elevate both heels to raise the head upwards while keeping the knees and hips straight.
Toes raises, Level 2. Photography by Haim Ariav and Klara Cu

Toes raises, Level 2


For Level 1 (see figure), follow these steps:
  1. Start by lying on your back, legs straight, and heels resting on a full roller.
  2. Tighten the glutes and hamstrings to raise the pelvis skyward until the hips are level with both the knees and shoulders without bending the knees.
  3. Hold this position for 30 to 60 seconds.
  4. Repeat five times.
bridges exercise, level 1 Photography by Haim Ariav and Klara Cu

Bridges, Level 1

When you’re ready, move up to Level 2 (see figure):

  1. Start by lying on your back, knees bent to 90 degrees and heels resting on a full roller.
  2. Tighten the glutes and hamstrings to raise the pelvis skyward until the hips are level with both the knees and shoulders.
  3. Hold this position for 30 to 60 seconds.
  4. Repeat five times.
bridges stretch, Level 2 Photography by Haim Ariav and Klara Cu

Bridges, Level 2

Lower-body stretches

The five stretches in this section help keep the important muscles of your legs limber and able to do their job. Strong legs are great. Strong and flexible legs are much better.


Place the heel on the end of a roller, both legs straight, spine straight, hands on hips, head up and forward, leading with the navel, not the shoulders (see figure).

Hamstring stretch Photography by Haim Ariav and Klara Cu

Hamstring stretch


With the toes on the end of a roller, both knees bent, engaged abdomen, and hands overhead holding another roller, slowly glide the pelvis forward while bending the lead leg (see figure).

Quad stretch Photography by Haim Ariav and Klara Cu

Quad stretch

Iliotibial band

Start in a standing position, lead leg across the mid-line, and roller held overhead. Side-bend away from the lead leg while pressing the pelvis forward and away from the leaning-roller (see figure).

Iliotibial band stretch Photography by Haim Ariav and Klara Cu

Iliotibial band stretch


Start in a standing position, feet spread well apart, a full roller standing behind the bent knee, the other knee straight, and the elbow resting on the roller. Shift your weight towards the roller while sliding the straight leg sideways, away from your body (see figure).

Groin stretch Photography by Haim Ariav and Klara Cu

Groin stretch


Stand tall with the front of both feet resting on a half roller, knees straight, and spine vertical. Lean forward while keeping the knees and hips straight (see figure).

Stretching the calves Photography by Haim Ariav and Klara Cu

Stretching the calves

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