
Make Traveling Easier with French Verbs

2016-03-26 14:41:37
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Whether you’re studying French for academic pursuits or are just trying to brush up on the French you used to know, you may eventually plan a trip to a French-speaking country. If you do, the following five verbs may come in handy.

  • Voyager: The verb for to travel in French is voyager. Think of the word voyage to help you remember this verb in French. Tip: It’s a regular –er verb, but like all -ger verbs, keep the e in front of the letters o and a in the conjugations.

  • Aller: You need to decide where you want to travel. To do so, use the verb aller, which means to go. It’s a very common irregular verb. Someone may ask you Où allez-vous (Where are you going?). You can respond by saying, Je vais à Bruxelles (I am going to Brussels).

  • Prendre: When you travel, you have to consider how to get to your destination and what means of transportation you’ll use to get around after you arrive. One simple verb takes care of all your transportation needs, which is prendre (to take). Whether you’re taking a plane, boat, train, bus, car, or taxi, this irregular verb is the verb you need.

  • Faire les valises: Before you travel, you need to pack your bags. In French, you use the verb faire, which is an irregular verb, to form this expression. To pack is faire les valises. Perhaps you want to save up so you can afford your overseas trip. Another handy expression that uses the same verb is faire des economies (to save).

  • Enregistrer: You’re ready to go on your trip. After you arrive at the airport, you have to check your bags. In French, this expression uses the verb enregistrer, a regular -er verb. Enregistrer les valises/les bagages means to check the suitcases/bags.

Now, you’re ready to go, so sit back, relax, and bon voyage (have a good trip).

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About the book author:

Zoe Erotopoulos, PhD has taught French for more than 30 years. She is the author of French Verbs For Dummies.