The ability to integrate some form of social sign-in for your members holds great potential for your data collection. But what other uses does social have in terms of mobile? Those exist both on and off of social networks like Facebook and Twitter. Here are a few of the benefits of working with social and mobile together:
- Work with native apps. Millennials want to spend more time engaging on social networks on their mobile phones rather than on your website, so whenever a campaign can leverage native apps, it should. Create events and offers and collect data within Facebook itself. Keep in mind that you can’t leverage third-party software as a Facebook Page tab on mobile, but anything you create within Facebook that is part of the network’s built-in services, such as Events, will appear on mobile devices as well.
- Keep your photos clean and on brand. This approach is a good one to adopt in general for social media, but it’s particularly true when you’re trying to think mobile-first. Your audience members are flying through their news feed on a device. The busier your content appears at quick glance, the less attractive it looks when it scrolls by. What’s more, without a clear maintenance of your branding, it will be a largely wasted post for a predominantly Millennial audience.
This doesn’t mean that every one of your posts needs to be branded. A healthy mix of branded, promotional, and eclectic content is always encouraged. That said, the voice that you’ve cultivated for yourself should be almost instantly recognizable because Millennials will move quickly past a piece of content if it’s not.
- Make sure that your content is concise and to the point, particularly on Facebook. The last thing your Millennial audience is going to do is click on a See More button in a news feed description. Millennials want to digest their content fast, and they want to receive all necessary information upfront without the need to keep reading. That way, they can make their split-second decision about whether or not to click on your content before moving on to the next item on their news feed.
- Create mobile-specific content on a per network basis in order to ensure that it’s digested as it’s intended to be on each medium. Millennials have unique personalities from one network to another. The way they interact on Facebook is very different from the way they engage on Twitter. If you want to drive them to take action, you need to adapt your mobile messaging to the idiosyncrasies of the network in terms of best practices, as well as the idiosyncrasies of the users.