
Marketing to Find New Customers

2016-03-26 21:27:10
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It's important that your marketing plan keeps you selling to existing customers, but growing your business depends on finding new buyers. Try these marketing tips for attracting new customers:

  • Rent a small booth at a trade show. Bring lots of brochures and business cards, plus samples or poster boards telling stories of how you solved problems for happy customers.

  • Post special offers on Craig’s List. Go to http://www.craigslist.com and see if there is a local Craig’s List site. If so, post free ads for special offers of your product or service at special introductory rates. It’s a great way to attract new customers.

  • Ask for referrals. Give existing customers a reward (such as a gift or a coupon on future purchases) in exchange for referrals to their friends or business associates.

  • Start an expert blog. Offer weekly advice to customers based on your special expertise. For example, if you’re in home construction, cover how to winterize your home.

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This article is from the book: 

About the book author:

Alexander Hiam has authored more than 20 popular books on business and served as a professor at the business school at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. His clients include many of the Fortune 500 firms and larger governmental agencies in the U.S.