
Mass-Updating Campaign Statuses in Salesforce

2016-08-17 17:25:44
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If leads or contacts that are part of a campaign respond in a batch, you can do a mass update of campaign members. For example, if you sent an email campaign to existing contacts and received a batch of online registrations as responses, you could perform a mass update. The following information tells you two ways to update statuses: in a campaign or in a report.

Sometimes you’ll be working directly out of a campaign. Other times you may be running a specific report that isn’t campaign related (for example, an existing “Northern California Active Customers” report), but you may want to update the status of people who turn up in that data set.

Mass updating all member statuses in a campaign

To mass update campaign statuses for all contacts or all leads in a campaign, log in to Salesforce and follow these steps:
  1. Click the Campaigns tab and select the specific campaign whose members’ statuses you’d like to update.
  2. Click the Manage Members button. A picklist appears.
  3. Select the Edit Members – Search option. The Manage Member page appears, with the Existing Members subtab selected.
  4. Use the filter criteria, as needed, to narrow the members that you want to update. You can also manually select which members to update by selecting the check box next to their names in the results.
  5. Select members to be updated for this campaign. You may select up to 200 members to update.

    member statuses Updating existing campaign member statuses in bulk.
  6. Click Update Status to apply the new status to your selected members. A status bar displays the results of the operation. You may continue updating by selecting new views, or click the Back to Campaign: Campaign Name link when done.

Mass updating all member statuses in a report

To update the status of several members at once, follow these steps:
  1. Click the Reports tab and scroll down to the Campaigns Reports folder from the left sidebar.
  2. Click the Campaign Call Down Report link. A page appears, allowing you to select a specific campaign.
  3. Use the Lookup icon to choose a campaign and click the Run Report button. A Campaign Call Down Report for your campaign appears.
  4. Click the Add to Campaign button. The Add Members Wizard opens.
  5. Confirm the campaign in the Campaign field. Use the Lookup icon to search for your match.
  6. After a campaign is selected, choose the appropriate status from the Member Status drop-down list.
  7. Use the radio buttons to toggle whether you want the existing member statuses to be overridden by this member status. The default is to not override existing member statuses. However, if your goal is to update all statuses of members in this report, choose to override the status.
  8. Click Add to Campaign to continue. Step 2 of the wizard appears with a status message of your attempt.
  9. Verify the information and click Done. You return to your view page.

You may also mass-update campaign statuses for contacts or leads in a campaign by updating the information in a .csv file first and then importing it.

For example, a trade show exhibitor may give you a file of all show attendees that you can cross-reference with leads that you invited. After you know which of your invitees actually attended, you may import this file into Salesforce. Just make sure to add and edit a column for Member Status (unless all records will use the default status) and have a column for Lead or Contact ID. Then click the Manage Members button, click the Update Status – Import File link, and follow the guidelines to update the campaign history.

About This Article

This article is from the book: 

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About the book author:

Liz Kao has been a member of the Professional Services team as well as an independent Salesforce consultant. She has implemented CRM solutions for companies both large and small.

Jon Paz is a Salesforce consultant and former editor. He has delivered world-class solutions to an assortment of perplexing business challenges for his enterprise clients.