What makes up the inside of your body, from cells to organs and everything in between, lends itself to an abundance of body part-related medical terms. All the root words and combining forms can morph into all kinds of different words that explain everything from everyday common conditions and procedures to pathology and pharmacology.
Remember that you can take any root word or combining form and create several different medical terms.
Root Word | What It Means | Example(s) |
Abdomin/o | Abdomen | Abdominoplasty: Surgical repair or reconstruction of the abdomen |
Angi/o | Vessel | Angioplasty: Surgical repair or reconstruction of a vessel |
Arteri/o | Artery | Arterioplasty: Surgical repair or reconstruction of an artery |
Arthr/o | Joint | Arthritis: Inflammation of a joint Arthroplasty: Surgical repair or reconstruction of a joint |
Audi/o | Hearing | Audiometry: Measurement of hearing using an audiometer |
Bio | Life | Biology: The study of life and living organisms |
Bronch/i, bronch/o | Bronchus/lung | Bronchitis: Inflammation of the bronchi Bronchoscopy: Visual examination of the bronchi |
Cardi/o | Heart | Cardiomegaly: Enlargement of the heart Cardiac: Pertaining to the heart Carditis: Inflammation of the heart |
Cholecyst/o | Gallbladder | Cholecystectomy: Removal of the gallbladder Cholecystitis: Inflammation of the gallbladder |
Chondr/i, chondr/o | Cartilage | Chondromalacia: Softening of cartilage |
Col/o | Colon | Colonoscopy: Visual examination of the colon Colonoscope: Instrument used in colonoscopy |
Cry/o | Cold | Cryobiology: Branch of biology dealing with effects of low temperatures |
Cysti, cyst/o | Bladder, or cyst | Cystectomy: Surgical removal of a simple cyst or of the urinary bladder Cystitis: Inflammation of the bladder Cystogram: Radiograph of the bladder Cystopexy: Surgical fixation of the bladder to abdominal wall |
Cyt/o | Cell | Cytology: Study of cells |
Duoden/o | Duodenum | Duodenotomy: Surgical cutting into the duodenum Duodenectomy: Surgical removal of the duodenum Duodenitis: Inflammation of the duodenum |
Encephal/o | Brain | Encephalitis: Inflammation of the brain |
Episi/o | Vulva | Episiotomy: Surgical cutting of the vulva |
Erythr/o | Red | Erythrocytes: Red blood cells Erythema: Reddening of the skin |
Esophag/o | Esophagus | Esophagitis: Inflammation of the esophagus Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD): Visual examination of the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum by scope |
Galact/o | Milk | Galactorrhea: Spontaneous flow of milk when nursing |
Gastr/o | Stomach | Gastritis: Inflammation of the stomach Gastrectomy: Surgical removal of the stomach Gastrodynia: Stomach ache |
Glyc/o | Sugar | Glycosuria: Sugar in the urine |
Gynec/o | Female | Gynecologist: Physician who studies and treats diseases of female reproductive organs |
Hemat/o, hem/o | Blood | Hematocyte: Blood cell |
Hepat/o, hepatic/o | Liver | Hepatitis: Inflammation of the liver |
Heter/o | Other, different | Heterosexual: Sexually attracted to the opposite sex |
Hist/o, histi/o | Tissue | Histology: Study and function of tissue |
Hom/o, home/o | Same, alike | Homosexual: Sexually attracted to the same sex |
Hydr/o | Water, wet | Hydromassage: Massage by means of moving water |
Hyster/o | Uterus | Hysterectomy: Surgical removal of the uterus |
Ile/o | Ileum (intestine) | Ileostomy: Artificial opening into the ileum Ileitis: Inflammation of the ileum |
Ili/o | Ilium (pelvic bone) | Ilioinguinal: Pertaining to the ilium and inguinal regions |
Jejun/o | Jejunum | Jejunitis: Inflammation of the jejunum Jejunostomy: Artificial opening into the jejunum |
Lacrima | Tears | Lacrimatory: Causing a flow of tears |
Laryng/o | Larynx | Laryngitis: Inflammation of the larynx Laryngectomy: Surgical removal of the larynx |
Leuk/o | White | Leukocyte: White blood cell |
Lith/o | Stone or calculus | Lithotripsy: Crushing of a stone or calculus |
Men/o | Menstruation | Menorrhea: Menstrual flow Menorrhagia: Excessive or heavy menstrual flow |
Myel/o | Bone marrow/spinal cord | Myelogram: Recording of the spinal cord |
My/o | Muscle | Myositis: Inflammation of a muscle Myalgia: Pain in a muscle or painful muscle |
Nat/o | Birth | Prenatal: Before birth Postnatal: After birth |
Necr/o | Death | Necrosis: Death of a cell Necrophobia: Morbid fear of death or dead bodies |
Nephr/o | Kidney | Nephrectomy: Surgical removal of a kidney |
Neur/o, neur/i | Nerve | Neurologist: Physician who studies and treats conditions of the nervous system |
Oophor/o | Ovary | Oophorectomy: Surgical removal of an ovary Oophoritis: Inflammation of an ovary |
Orchid/o, orchi/o | Testis | Orchialgia: A pain in the testicle Orchiectomy: Surgical removal of a testicle |
Peritone/o | Peritoneum | Peritoneal: Pertaining to the peritoneum Peritonitis: Inflammation of the peritoneum |
Pharyng/o | Pharynx | Pharyngitis: Inflammation of the pharynx (sore throat) |
Pleur/o, pleur/a | Pleura, rib (side) | Pleurisy: Inflammation of the lining of the chest cavity Pleurolysis: Surgical separation of pleural adhesions |
Pneum/a/o/ato/ono | Lungs | Pneumonitis: Inflammation of the lung |
Proct/o | Rectum, anus | Proctologist: Physician who studies and treats diseases of rectum and anus |
Pulmon/o | Lungs | Pulmonary: Pertaining to the lungs |
Pyel/o | Renal pelvis | Pyelography: Radiograph (x-ray) of the pelvis of the kidneyPyelolithotomy: Removal of a stone from the kidney pelvis |
Rect/o | Rectum | Rectosigmoid: Pertaining to the rectum and sigmoid |
Salping/o | Fallopian tube | Salpingectomy: Surgical removal of a fallopian tube |
Sarc/o | Flesh | Sarcoid: Resembling flesh |
Splen/o | Spleen | Splenomegaly: Enlargement of the spleen Splenectomy: Surgical removal of the spleen |
Tend/o, ten/o, tendin/o | Tendon | Tendinitis (or tendonitis): Inflammation of a tendon |
Testicul/o | Testis | Testicular: Pertaining to a testis or testicle Testitis: Inflammation of a testis |
Thorac/o | Chest | Thoracotomy: Incision into the chest cavity Thoracentesis: Surgical puncture into chest cavity |
Tonsill/o | Tonsils | Tonsillectomy: Surgical removal of tonsils Tonsillitis: Inflammation of the tonsils |
Ureter/o | Ureter | Ureterolithotomy: Removal of a calculus (stone) from a ureter by means of incision Ureteropelvic: Pertaining to the ureter and pelvis of the kidney |
Urethr/o | Urethra | Urethritis: Inflammation of the urethra Urethropexy: Surgical fixation of the urethra |
Vas/o | Vas deferens | Vasectomy: Surgical removal of portion of vas deferens for male sterilization |
Viscer/o | Viscera (organs) | Viscerography: Radiography of the viscera |