The medications you take also can have an impact on your acid reflux. Fortunately, drugs undergo significant testing for side effects before they go on the market, and the findings are fairly easy to obtain.
So yes, you may have to figure it out through trial and error, but the information on which medications may trigger your reflux is available — you’ll find it on that piece of paper your pharmacist gives you with your prescription.
Be diligent about monitoring the potential side effects of your medications. Don’t rely on your doctor to warn you. Be sure to read the warning labels on any drugs you take, even if you take them only occasionally.
If you find that the medication you’re taking lists acid reflux as a possible side effect, don’t hesitate to bring it up to your physician or pharmacist. Even if reflux isn’t listed as a side effect, let them know if you notice an increase in your reflux symptoms. These medical professionals may be able to offer you an alternative medication that won’t impact your reflux.
In this section, we fill you in on some categories of medication that can affect reflux. This list isn’t exhaustive, so be sure to continue reading the warnings that come with every medication you take.
Always be sure to discuss your medications with your pharmacist — especially if it’s the first time you’ve taken a particular medication. Ask for a consultation, and don’t worry, your pharmacist will probably be happy to discuss your medications with you. Be sure to tell her what other medications you’re taking.
Don’t just bring up your prescription meds — be sure to mention any over-the-counter drugs, vitamins, herbals, or supplements you use as well. And, of course, tell her if you have acid reflux or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) or experience occasional bouts of heartburn.