If you or someone you love has recently been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS), you may be wondering “So what do I do now?” Because emotions can kick in quickly, whatever words the doctor said after giving you the diagnosis may be lost in a blur. Obviously, you’ll have opportunities to talk about it further in follow-up visits, but it may reassure you to know that many helpful resources are available to help you navigate the next few days, weeks, and months.
The National MS Society (800-344-4867 or 800-FIGHT-MS) offers a variety of publications and programs:
The best place to start is with a learn-at-home program called Knowledge is Power, which is available by mail or online.
The Society’s resource page for those with a recent diagnosis.
Webcasts and podcasts are also available.
The Multiple Sclerosis Association of America (800-532-7667) is another good resource to tap:
Information for people who are newly diagnosed
The Multiple Sclerosis International Federation provides information about MS in English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, and Russian
Other helpful national organizations include the following:
Multiple Sclerosis Foundation: 800-225-6495
National Family Caregivers Association: 800-896-3650
Well Spouse Association: 800-838-0879