
Networking Tools that Can Help Your Job Search

2016-03-26 13:46:02
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Many career coaches would say that the best chance for you to land a job is by having a strong supportive network of friends and professionals. These tools will help you stay in touch and even grow your network, thereby increasing your chances of getting hired.


The mini-profile you get on Connect.me is a social business card with your photo, headline, and some social media links. Connect.me then lets you connect your Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn account(s) to find other people in your social networks. If you know them, you can vouch for them, and they can vouch for you.

Getting vouched for means you’re trusted by your peers. Marketers know social proof is a good thing. You can embed your Connect.me card on your website to show that you are actively engaged in social media and that your network trusts you. You can also use this platform to explore new people you may be connected to or want to connect to.


Recmnd.me is a platform you can use to get recommendations from other people and try to rank high in their network. It works with employers who may be looking for candidates with a certain high number of recommendations for certain skills or abilities. The profile here is simple: It’s your photo and then a list of all the skills you have with how many recommendations you have for each skill.


Zerply gives you beautiful profile design options, ones which, it claims, make the most sense for the “designers, hackers, artists, and creatives of the world.” After you set up your profile, you become part of a database of other creative people open for work. So if a hiring managers needs a Ruby on Rails software developer, she can search Zerply and see all the profiles tagged as Ruby developers.

Then, using her own account, she can start conversations with any of the candidates she likes. Essentially, it creates a social networking platform just for creative work. When employers post jobs on Zerply, they are analyzed and matched to your profile so you can see only the most relevant jobs.


Resumup imports your social media profiles, like LinkedIn, to create both a visual and a text profile for you to share. The innovative part of the platform is when you start to create career goals. Using their wizard, you can see what career ladder leads you to your goal, what skills you need to acquire to get there, and who may be able to help you get to your goal.


Video is a great way to show your personality, which is why your Bragbook multimedia résumé puts your short welcome video right up at the top. The rest of your profile reads very much like you would expect an online résumé to read, with professional experiences, recommendation letters, and personal interests.

However, it presents this information visually. So if you like to surf, you can put a picture of yourself surfing right next to that interest. If you have a certification, you can put a copy of the document right there. Bragbook is one of the few services that allow users to incorporate all forms of digital media, including PowerPoint, Excel, and Word documents in their visual form.


Although the profiles on Bigsight aren’t fancy, they are likely to wind up on a Google search result. The site claims that 87 percent of profiles appear at the top of Google. It doesn’t automatically integrate any information from social media, so you have to type in your professional credentials. Considering the search rankings you may get, the extra work may be worth your time to improve your online reputation.

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Joshua Waldman, MBA, is an authority on leveraging social media to find employment. His writing has appeared in Forbes, Huffington Post, Mashable, and the International Business Times. Joshua's career blog, CareerEnlightenment.com, won the About.com Readers' Choice Award for Best Career Blog 2013. Joshua presents keynotes, trainings, and breakout sessions around the world for students, career advisors, and professional organizations.