
Ordering in a French Restaurant

2016-03-26 20:21:34
From The Book:  
French Workbook For Dummies
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If you go to a French restaurant, these expressions can come in very handy. Practice them first, so that you can relax and enjoy the dining experience.

English French Pronunciation
The menu, please. Le menu, s’il vous plaît. luh muh-new, seel vooh pleh.
I’d like. . . . Je voudrais. . . . zhuh vooh-dreh. . . .
What do you recommend/suggest? Qu’est-ce que vous recommandez/suggérez? kehs-kuh vooh ruh-kohh-mahN-dey/sooh-zhey-rey?
Another (beer) please. Encore (une bière), s’il vous plaît. ahN-kohr (ewn byehr), seel vooh pleh.
The check, please. L’addition, s’il vous plaît. lah-dee-syohN, seel vooh pleh.
A receipt, please. Un reçu, s’il vous plaît. uhN ruh-sew, seel vooh pleh.
Enjoy your meal. Bon appétit! bohN-nah-pey-tee!

About This Article

This article is from the book: 

About the book author:

Zoe Erotopoulos, PhD has taught French for more than 30 years. She is the author of French Verbs For Dummies.

Dodi-Katrin Schmidt is a highly regarded French instructor and writer.

Michelle M. Williams is a highly regarded French instructor and writer.

Dominique Wenzel is a highly regarded French instructor and writer.