
Posting an Amazon Book Review from Your Kindle

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2016-03-26 21:43:23
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One of the nice things about Amazon.com in general, and about the Kindle Store in particular, is that customers participate heavily in contributing content to the site. Reviews, lists, and other comments give you many different perspectives on a product so that you can make an informed decision about whether to purchase it. You may already have created some reviews on Amazon.com yourself using your computer. Now you can add reviews with your Kindle as well. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Press the Menu button.

    The menu pops up.

  2. Move the five-way controller down until the Shop in Kindle Store option is underlined.

  3. Click the controller to select Shop in Kindle Store.

    The Kindle Store Home screen appears, with the Browse section at the top.

  4. Type the book title in the text box at the bottom of the page, move the controller to the right to highlight the Search Store button, and click the controller to locate the e-book or other content you want to comment on.

    The Product Detail page (the page with a brief description, price, and Buy button) appears.

  5. Select Customer Reviews on the Product Detail page.

    The Customer Reviews page appears.

  6. Select Write a Review at the top of the Reviews page.

    A page entitled My Rating and Review appears.

  7. Choose a star rating from one to five, as shown in the following figure.


    When you click the controller, the Kindle screen flashes to indicate that your rating has been accepted.

  8. Select Title and, in the text entry box that appears, type a title for your review.

  9. Click OK.

    The text entry box closes.

  10. Click Review and then type your review in the text entry box that appears.

  11. Click OK.

    The text entry box closes.

  12. Select Submit to submit your review and your star rating.

After you submit a review, you can’t edit it, though you can create a new review to revise your opinion. Be careful when you write your comments to make sure they are accurate and not full of typos or anything else that would embarrass you.

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