To conquer the analogies on the Miller Analogies Test, you should have a plan. Step one to solving an MAT analogy is to identify its structure. Step two for solving a test analogy is to create a sentence that expresses the relationship between the terms in the analogy. For example, you might create the sentence, “A mitten warms a hand,” in order to express the relationship in the following analogy:
MITTEN : HAND :: _________________ : HEAD
This example, by the way, is of a 1:2,3:4 analogy.
Here are five example MAT analogies on which you can practice the step-by-step method. Each is from one of the five major MAT analogy relationship categories. The difficulty level for each question is pretty low so you can focus on your step-by-step technique. Be sure to identify each analogy’s type, write a relationship sentence, and then check the choices.
JET : AIR :: SUBMARINE : _________________
OSTRICH : BOTTLENOSE :: _________________: DOLPHIN
_________________ : BOTTLE :: LID : CHEST
3 : _________________ :: 27 : 64
USE : ABUSE :: _________________ : ACCLAIM
Here are the answers:
Choice (C) is correct.
(1:2,3:4) A jet travels through the air, as a submarine travels through the ocean. This fits the description relationship category.
Choice (B) is correct.
(1:3,2:4) An ostrich is a type of bird, as a bottlenose is a type of dolphin. This fits the type of relationship category.
Choice (A) is correct.
(1:2,3:4) A cap is the part of a bottle that covers it, as a lid is the part of the chest that covers it. This fits the parts relationship category.
Choice (B) is correct.
(1:3,2:4) 3 cubed is 27, as 4 cubed is 64. This fits the similar/different relationship category.
Choice (A) is correct.
(1:2,3:4) Abuse is use with two letters added to its beginning, as acclaim is claim with two letters similarly added. This fits the wordplay relationship category.