Creating a video to pitch your idea to potential crowdfund investors isn’t optional; it’s essential. Video is by far the fastest growing part of the web because it engages people more than flat text.
Before thinking about your own video, watch 10 to 20 videos that were part of a successful campaign on both perks-based and equity/debt-based crowdfund investing sites.
What do you like about them? What do you dislike? Next, do the same exercise but select projects or companies that seem likely to miss their funding targets or have missed their funding targets. Are there any common themes? Did these videos engage you, or did they bore you or turn you off?
A video won’t be the only way you present your pitch, but it must be one of the ways you do so. The video will bring your passion to life for people you can’t talk with in person. If this medium is new to you, don’t panic. No one expects you to hire a production team and spend $10,000 on a video. (If you did, potential investors might frown on the expense as wasteful.)
Ask for help from supporters with more experience. The outcome should be a video pitch that communicates your passion, your business strategy, and your financial need.
If you really don’t think you have what it takes to make a quality video, many companies are waiting to help you solve this problem. They’ll sit with you and learn about you, your idea, and how it will make money.
Most likely, they come from a marketing and sales background and can use their knowledge and experience to help curate your entire crowdfund investing pitch. Keep in mind that in exchange for this service, they charge a fee or require you to fork over some equity (or both).