If the technical aspects of producing a video résumé seem overwhelming to you, seek out some professional help during your job search. You can likely find several freelance videographers in your area. Most charge anywhere from $50 to $150 an hour, but the good news is that an hour of their time is all you need. Or you can check out these online resources for video production:
videoBIO: This site provides a range of services for new generation video resume options, whether you want to do it yourself online or get some professional help. It includes live support and online tools for script writing, video recording, editing and video hosting and sharing tools that turn your video into a professional and personalized video application.
VideoBIO has a service just for job applicants called VideoPromo where you can actually apply for a job via your nicely produced video.
Resume Blimp: The folks who run this site offer workshops where they coach and film groups of job seekers with professional cameras.
BlazitResume: BlazitResume edits, crops, and produces your raw footage for you to make a nice-looking video résumé without much hassle. The offer micro-site campaign pages where you can direct employers to read your résumé and watch your video. This page is exportable as pdf.
Vid-CV: This UK-based company helps you write a script and gives great tips on how to film it. Using their platform, you upload your final video so you can link to it on your résumé. The end result is a paper résumé with an active link and QR code that takes employers right to your video website.